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Eclipse Season

Eclipses signify significant periods of change and transformation. While a solar eclipse opens the portal for new beginnings and change, a lunar eclipse reveals energies that help us complete a journey or shift our course in some way. On October 25, 2022 we have a solar eclipse in Scorpio. Solar Eclipses make your shadow side more visible, the actions you take during this eclipse really matter.

According to Native American Shamans, a Solar Eclipse represents a powerful time of healing. The alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth represents the dissolving of differences and the coming together as one. During this time, emotional wounds can be healed and stronger relationships can be forged. This can then bring about a mutual understanding and can help us live with more peace and harmony.

This is the time to acknowledge whatever you’ve buried in your psyche. This solar eclipse also lands in close connection to Venus, the “divine feminine” planet in astrology.

Look in a new direction during a solar eclipse, because that’s where opportunity lies.

How can you harness/utilize the energy of a solar eclipse

I would strongly encourage you to use this energy intelligently. If you can get clear on what you want to release and what you want to call forward, the lunar and solar eclipses can be extremely powerful in a wonderfully positive way for you. Meditate for several days prior to the solar eclipse to get very clear on what you want to create. Write down your intentions, the movement of your hands across paper anchors those intentions in your psyche in a more powerful way. On the day of the eclipse, create some time when you are completely alone so that you can truly connect with your Higher Self. Trust that whatever transpires next is for your highest good.


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