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Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse May 16, 2022.

Eclipse season is in full swing and this next full moon we have a powerful lunar eclipse. I have talked a bit about eclipses before, if you need a recap click here.

Now, this next eclipse will be in the sign of Scorpio which is ruled by Pluto (currently in retrograde) and co-ruled by Mars. This eclipse brings out the energies related to this particular zodiac sign. Pay attention to the high vibrational aspects of this sign as well as the shadow aspects as they all play a role in some way. Some of the issues we might encounter will have to do with power struggles, aggressive self expression, manipulation and control. Scorpio also rules over sexuality, intimacy and supernatural psychic abilities. I feel during this time we might be called to let got of unhealed trauma, betrayal and intimacy issues. When we let go of those painful rocks that weighs us down we can move faster towards our goals. Some of us don't even realize how quickly we can bring manifestations to fruition because we have been moving at such a slow pace for so long. Yeah it's the rocks! Scorpio also rules money honey!!!!! So if you want those investments to come to fruition you need to heal those wounds to make room for those blessings! Get rid of the fucking rocks my friends!

My advice to you is to stop holding onto that baggage, yes it will be painful, the rocks might be lodged very deep, but they will heal in due time. And when they do heal you will run so damn fast you're going to run right into another dimension.


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