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Full Moon To Do List

Some of the best times to do spell work is during a full moon. Anything goes during this time, you can release or attract anything is fair game. Some of you have asked me how I am able to do so many spells during the week of the Full Moon. The key is to prep the week prior and continuously keep track on a calendar.

I use a calendar that incorporates the positions of the moon, sun and planets. When I see a full moon or a new moon I prep the week before by gathering all materials. I have found that journaling for a few days can change your point of view sometimes, which is why it's a good idea to give yourself that one week prep time. You can do alot of thinking in a week... I also like to do a few readings on the situations to ensure I take the road with the least amount of bullshit. LOL! Readings give you a glimpse of what is to come, maybe that new boyfriend isn't such a good idea after that reading so lets cancel that love spell.

Once I know where I'm going that is when I start gathering. Like a bird building a nest I take my time and gather a little here and a little there. I have a meeting room where the ingredients wait until the big day.... or should I say night. I also charge a lot of items such as crystals, oils, herbs, statues, so on and so on. I have tried to gather everything in one day and it's exhausting. I would end up only doing 1 of the 3 spells I needed to do! Oh rookie me, so cute.


Secretary CaliMoon


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