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Hey all!

Hi guys,

"Bella how you been loca?" If you don't know what movie that came from, jail. Immediately jail, jail, jail. Sooooo, yeah where the hell have I been is the real question and the answer is working. I am the content creator, receptionist, blogger, website creator/maintenance, quality control specialist, photographer, investor, shipping and handling person and the tarot reader of CaliMoon Blog & Shop. Y'all I'm tired. I feel this is probably the busiest time as I am building and trying to keep up, but what do I know I have never done this before LOL. I have not been taking any readings lately and for that I'm sorry. Hang in there! I will make myself available again in July when the shop is closer to being fully built. I will also be doing more free readings on my stories using tarot and the charms. I want to help those who have a set get more familiar with them and you guys also really like the charm readings as well. I have some giveaways coming in the fall. Yes I said fall because we are literally one week away from July, then at midnight on July 31, everything turns orange.

Fall is filled with so much bewitching energy, it's hard not to look forward to it the way we do with Christmas. Well at least for me since I turned into a bruja, the fall time is reserved for the dark and spooky. So with that, thank you to the people who have been supporting me and buying from my little shop. I literally cry every time I get an order like an unstable person that I am LOL! Ok guys, we will talk soon. Bye for now.



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