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How did I learn Tarot

One of the most common questions that I get asked is how I learned tarot and how long did it take. I learned rather quickly actually, I watched a few videos and I really stuck to just one book. I think what allowed me to learn so quickly was that I was always taking notes and relying on them when I did readings. My first deck was the Modern Witch Tarot Deck that I use religiously to this day. It has a journal that goes with the deck and it’s been such a powerful tool. Again I use my journal and my notes to this day, I feel like I always learn new things about the cards by listening to others. I do my best to keep it very clean and tidy. I want to pass it on so for me it’s important to fit as much information as I can but also to keep it as organized as possible. I want my reader to understand my gibberish. But really there is not trick, the more you use your deck the clearer the cards become. Taking a ridiculous amount of notes helps but repetition really is the key. Hope this helps 😘.


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