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How to survive Sad girl Summer I

Has anyone else felt the shift in energy? Its normal after the sudden burst from the last full moon to feel a bit sluggish and down.

Some of my “symptoms” are:

-I don’t really want to be active on social media.

-I don’t feel like entertaining people

-Prefer to be alone

-Loss of appetite

-Constantly sleepy/tired

In the past I would sometimes misinterpret this as depression and I would get lost for weeks sometimes even months. But I have gotten better at shaking it off identifying what is a depression episode and what is just "sluggish". Since it’s happening to me right now I thought I would share with you how I get by.


I fell off a bit from writing daily affirmations. I started recently and now I feel as though I have to write them down in order to proceed with my day. Some of the verbiage include phrases like, I am calm through the storm, I am healed and aligned with my best life, and my favorite "everything I spend comes back to me times three". Affirmations allow you to shift the way you are thinking, so if don’t feel your best get to writing those affirmations. You will feel better the same day and if you continue to stay persistent you will notice a drastic change in your attitude over a prolonged period time.

Spiritual Baths

I actually almost fell asleep in the bathtub yesterday I was so relaxed. I was able to drift off to sleep with no issues. No intrusive thoughts, no overthinking about the situation or people involved. The same way one would ingest a tea in hopes of finding a relief, Spiritual baths serve a similar purpose for the mind, heart and soul.


Television has not brought me any kind of satisfaction for the past 5 years. That is when my hyper obsession with books started. I have so many books to read, I feel as though I will run out of time in this life before I get to all of them. Naturally this down time is perfect for reading, and that is what I have been doing. It has been very enlightening as well as relaxing. Reading for me serves many purposes from learning and refining the information of a particular subject, to inspiring new content for me to share with you guys. Reading is a therapeutic and essential "hobby" that should be included in your daily life. Listen, butterfly in the skyyyyyy I can go twice as hiiiiigh, take a look, it's in a book the reading rainbow!!!! LMAOOOO!

Video games

I never thought that I would be playing video games this late in the game. My son had a birthday recently and one of his gifts was a Nintendo Switch. I had so much fun playing one of the greatest joys in my childhood that I went to purchase my own. I must admit that I do enjoy playing super Mario Brothers instead of scrolling through social media and anything that gets you off of IG is a plus. So in moderation, video games can give you a nostalgic happiness that will bring you out of your mini sad girl/boy moment.


The weather has been really cold in the mornings and I actually like that for walking. I get all bundled up in my favorite sweater throw a little beanie on and head out into the foggy dark morning. I think about my life, I think about my dreams and try to figure out what they mean. Sometimes during the walks I will get new visions and weird messages from my guides and spirit! The bottom line is that by the time I’m done having this deep conversation with the universe while out in nature, the rest of the day doesn't seem so daunting. It makes you say, "why am I trippin' about that”. Walking in nature is so underrated!

The Craft

I get lost doing divination work whether it’s for myself or other people. Entire days can go by and I could care less. The craft/divination can include many things such as tarot readings, gardening, smudging your home and items and the list goes on and on. Since my energy is pretty low during this time, I don’t necessarily do spell work but I do a lot of prepping and refilling which is very time-consuming. If I need certain things I use this time to collect those items. I mean who doesn't love some retail therapy.


Just. smoke it.

Well my friends these are just a few things, I plan to add more on another post. I have noticed that people's activity on social media has decreased significantly. Which leads me to believe I may not be alone in this feeling and it's a collective type thing. I actually think it's Pluto Retrograde rearing its head and making their presence known. My advice is to make sure that you remember this post because I think we’re all going to need some reminders so we don't get lost in our sadness for the upcoming weeks.

I do have a Pluto Retrograde post coming soon, to help sort out some of these feelings. But this happens every year people, we can do this.


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