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Let's Give a COOL Welcome to FALL!

We are in the season of fall! I don't care if the weather may still be in Summer mode, Home Depot said it's time to put up Halloween decorations.... sooo here we are. Besides the pumpkin spice lattes coming back in style, planets in retrograde will actually be going out of style... yeahhh love that for us. Many planets are going direct these next few weeks. Venus has already gone direct Sunday night and Mercury goes direct on the 15th, double yay!! Expect to feel some relief in the areas of love and communication. Situations may have felt backwards lately and that's what a retrograde is! But now that the energy has subsided and the uncertainty has cleared, ask yourself, do you feel you made progress during these challenging times? If you found yourself resorting to the same ways because you were too afraid to try something new, don't worry! You will totally get a chance to repeat the lesson! Maybe not with the same person but it will be the same lesson until you get it. And I hope you sense my sarcasm, this isn't a fun thing. It's like being held back, while all your friends start high school. Do you want to have milk and green-beans for lunch? Pfft, give me Hot Cheetos and a Pepsi for breakfast please. LOL! You get what I mean tho, do the work! Pass the lessons and show up for the tests so you can move on to the next level and enjoy all the new things that come with new levels. Cause like, drinking milk with everything is gross... and on Fridays, they would make it chocolate milk waaaaakala! Like that any better!

Happy Monday.


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