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Mars Retrograde

Hello and welcome back to your next retrograde survival guide. I’m Tammy and I will be terrifying you today. Let's get started.

Just kidding, it's not that terrifying. The signs that are related to Mars are Scorpio and Aries. Mars rules energy, drive, ambition, sex, courage, and impulsiveness. This retrograde is going to steal our energy so we will feel sluggish and with little motivation. Our sex drive might slow down and we will experience frustrations and “writers block” moments. Oh what a fun time to be a content creator. The lack of energy is so on point tho, this is when bears hibernate for the winter, many animals are going to start laying low right now so why should us humans be any different. It’s a time to reflect instead of being on the go-go-go. Meditating will help with those frustrated moments as well as music! I love music, especially Holiday Music! Did I just say Holidays?

So fam, get ready to be a bear and dive into books, sit by the fire, get into journaling. This retrograde will last well into late January 2023. But you will be okay, retrogrades are periods of growth and transformation. It's spiritual crossfit training, its gonna hurt a little but it will worth it!


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