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Meditation Tips

I wanted to share this for a while but you know my overthinking ass thought it wouldn’t be well received. But a couple of you wanted to know how I meditate so here we are. I guess the first thing to say about meditation is that you don't have to be in a quiet space sitting with your legs crossed surrounded by crystals. I mean if you want to go off sis but I think that's a big misconception with meditating. There is no right way or wrong way to meditate. What matters is that it can help reduce stress and provides a sense of feeling better overall. You can have music, you can have sounds, you can even be in movement, the point is to relax the mind and soothe the nervous system. Meditation dramatically reduces the many affects brought on by anxiety, depression and just being alive. Meditation has an amazing variety of neurological benefits as well, it can even reduce pain! Yes actual physical pain can be reduced by daily meditation and add years to your life if done continuously. So let's get to meditating folks, below are some tips :)

Silence or Sound

I love to have music, I immediately go in a state of trance. If it's not music then I will have sounds such as rain, singing bowls, or affirmations. But really there are so many available sounds I just named my top 3. A great way to get started would be with some guided meditations, you can find many on YouTube and even on the App store. The point is that you don't have to sit in silence, I actually find that turns people away because they don't know what to do with all those intrusive thoughts at first. Once you get the hang of meditating with sound try sitting in silence for a few minutes at a time and see if you can hang.


Where you meditate is up to you. I find myself meditating in a few locations and by far sitting in my home at the foot of my altar is the most mind blowing of all. That is also where I feel the safest as well as a deep connection to the divine. I have astral traveled sitting in front of my altar so I know the location does have an influence on your meditative experience. At times when I feel uncreative and stuck I like to find my tree at my local park. I don't really astral travel when I go to this tree but instead I relax deeply. I have even fallen asleep sitting down for a few seconds, it's that intense. This is one of the few places I practice sitting in silence and it's magical you guys! I usually forget that I was in a bad mood by the time I am done. So try to start with an area that is safe in your home, as you get more familiar and can sit longer find other little spots. Before you know it you will have a tree you sit under just like meeeeee!

Incense, crystals, candles

Yes. Yes. Yes. Get them all! You don't need them but does an athlete do better on steroids, duh! So use them! I would at the very least use an incense to clear the energy so you can have a calming meditative experience. Again you don't need them but they be magical n shit. I like to hold a crystal if I remember to use them or I will place them in North, South, East, West position around me like a circle. I usually use amethyst and rose quartz, even if it's just a bracelet that works the same. One time I drank a ton of crystal water before meditating because I was trying to SEE stuff and all I did was have the urge to pee the entire meditation session.... so don't over do it. Let if flow.

I hope you enjoyed this long ass post and I hope some of you give meditation another try with a new perspective. And thank you for the suggestions, keep them coming!


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