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Mini Life Update

Where's my hug? LOL! Why was "wheres my hug" guy such a creep? Anyways, hi. My posts as of recently have been about the moon and retrogrades and TBH, I got bored. Then I got writers-block and shortly after that I got depressed. So fun I know. I feel much better now and if you have been watching my IG stories you will see that I have been at the park a-lot recently.

I wanna give a shout-out to nature for helping me get over my mini depression episode lol! This one is for you trees! So if you have been a bit down recently or simply feeling like you are not as creative, I encourage you to go outside in this hot as heat and get a heat stroke. LOL! You know what I mean! Maybe go early before it's unbearable or go at night and bond with mother moon. If you go at night take some mase, because America.

I will be back with more crazy posts from your crazy friend, the witch.


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