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New Moon Horoscopes


Aquarius, Gemini, Libra


The air signs are all about determination and dedication this moon phase. Planning for security and abundance while being influenced and empowered by the divine feminine. Beware of the toxic gossiping that may arise when you are heavily focused on yourself rather than others. Don't get caught up with those who are not focused or evolving.


Disappointments about certain connections not turning out as we expected will linger this month. Put your guard down, accept that even when things don’t feel like they’re working in our favor, they actually are. This cycle appears to be coming to an end and new opportunities await you.


Adjustments are happening that may leave you feeling unsatisfied with your environment. But these adjustments are needed in order to have some practicality and stability. These changes will usher in long lasting results and financial success.

Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio


Reluctant to change and the inability to adapt to is what you’re facing this moon phase. But don’t forget that water flows effortlessly and adapting to change is your specialty. Flow with changes even if they seem overwhelming, you will not be swallowed by the waves. Answers and healing connections await you at the end of this storm.


Keep your eye open for connections that may stroke your ego but have no real depth or substance. What you yearn for is a deeper soul connection and sadly most won't cut it for you. Don’t fall for the quick fix, the right one will leave you feeling full for days not minutes.


After some delays and frustrations support arrives. Confidence and determination will set your plan in motion. Have confidence in your choices and remember to get plenty of rest. A foggy mind can not see the road.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn


You are very optimistic and eager about new opportunities opening up to you. Keep a calm attitude when friction arrives, pick your battles wisely.


Lack of drive and energy in a connection could have you feeling gloomy and drained. Don’t put up with connections that have you feeling extreme mood swings. Find balance and harmony with meditation to help you have a clear vision of what you truly want in your relationships.


You will enjoy your accomplishments with those closest to you, don’t relive the past but thank the universe for the lessons. Those hard lesson birthed a smarter and wiser version of you. Be cautious of taking on too much, burn out can lead to depression, stick to your boundaries.

Leo, Sagittarius, Aries


Worrying about actions done in the past won’t gain you any clarity. Show growth by owning up to the role you played instead of overthinking worse-case scenarios. The worst has happened, it’s uphill from here. You got this!


The aftermath of a big disagreement still lingers but not for much longer. Put aside your quarrels in order to strategically get through this one. An open compassionate heart is needed as is an open and clean mind. The journey continues.


Disappointments around new practices/people had a bigger set back than it did relief. However, your good rapport will not put you in a compromising position. Don’t lose faith, things will get better. Take a second look before you make a decision as times are delicate and need 20/20 precision.

That's it for this month! You can check back in late December when we get the next new moon to see what's in store. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday celebration and you are able to utilize the energy of this New Moon to accomplish all your heart desires.


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