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New Moon Horoscopes

Welcome to this month's horoscopes! Find your sign below, get comfy, and read away.

Air Signs (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini)


Hello fello air signs. This month expect opportunities to flow in. I see a very clear connection forming that has big potential in the areas of projects, career, creative endeavors and it could grow rapidly to include more people. Things haven't been manifesting the way you had anticipated but this is the break you have been looking for. Pounce on this opportunity and put your ego aside. Use logic, reason, compassion and above all pour your soul into it. What is coming is what you have been asking for times 1000, IF you put in the work.


You have trying to manifest something in your career only to keep coming up short. But that has not stopped the analytical air sign that you are, you keep going despite the lack of fulfillment because you know eventually you will hit the lottery. Figuratively speaking of course. When you encounter something that did not expand like you thought, don't toss it, tweak it. Take some time to look over the small details, don't take on more work, focus on what you currently have and master it! That will get you ready for the next phase that is to come, consistency is the key here. I know you air signs can be scatter brain sometimes, FOCUS you're very close!


It's a time of personal celebration for you. Many opportunities have come to you in ways that have your heart leaping in happiness and laughter. The overthinking and overanalyzing will take a back seat this month. Heal from the past, take in those hard lessons and do it with grace and dignity. Should the past sneak up on you, react with emotional intelligence. The vibrations you send out will be reciprocated. No harm done, no harm returned.

Fire Signs (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries)


A missed opportunity surrounding a trip or some kind of relocation will sting a bit this month. But help is within arms reach. Lean on this person/presence for guidance and absorb their wisdom. They hold valuable insight and can help usher in new opportunities. Put your guard down and ask from some help.


Fire signs support is on the way! You have been overworked and overlooked. Support is coming to you, maybe not the army you had hoped for but some help is better than no help. Stop trying to control every detail and every person, take this little rest pocket in order to continue on this journey to greatness. This is not a big break, this is a gas stop for fuel.


The couples are at odds and when that happens our environment suffers. Our environment can be a few places, your home, work, school. The effects of a love quarrel will ripple through, don't play the blame game. Instead use the fire that is already there and reconnect with your partner rather than being in opposition with them. Your on the same team, remember that.

Water Signs (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer)


Water signs are having a good financial month as well as a good creative month. Worry and struggle will be but a whisper this month. These things don't come easy for anyone, this has been a long road for you and you are now bringing your wishes to fruition. Be careful of the temptations that come with sitting in a position of power and influence. Use your moral compass to continue to drink from this fountain of abundance and love. GO WATER SIGNS!!!!!


You continued efforts to win someone over seems to be falling short. Don't force this connection, let it grow naturally with your effortless watery flow that allows you adapt easily to any situation. Let them unravel and watch the laughter and energy increase. Compliments are like honey, let your person know, they will respond to your energy.


You might find yourself going through some changes. These changes will be communicated by those in higher positions and a few individuals will not take the information well. Steer clear of the hastiness and wait for final decisions. Wasting your energy on conflicts will halt your blessings. This cycle of change appears to be complete by the end of this moon phase (March).

Earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Vigo)


Actions taken in the dark will unfold in the light. This may have you feeling uneasy at first with distrust and fear but a period of answers will come with a bit of patience. Being light and bendy is not your thing my dear earth sign, you are a force, a speeding boulder if you will. This is a time to as bendy and flowy as your little rocky self can. You will be fine as long as you don't charge forward like a bull. These challenges have a purpose embrace them.


You long to break away from the toxic attachments that come with your current position. Find time to meditate and reflect. Put energy into areas that will bring you income as well as keep you interested for longevity. You get bored easily/quickly so don't make money your entire focus. In your time of reflection tap into your creativity well. You can turn anything into gold when you are focused and passionate.


There is a lot of emphasis on self love and personal victories. Being your authentic self and exuding the energy of confidence will ramp up your current connection or spark up a new one! Be clear when communicating and don't hold back when the vibes feel right!

Well you guys that's what we have for this month. We all seem to be steady trucking along with a few bumps along the way. Stay focused and open your heart! When you do the things you love you attract more of it! Thank you for reading!!!!!!


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