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New Moon Horoscopes 4/20-5/18

Hello and welcome back to my New Moon Horoscopes! I'm a few days late but this is for the entire moon phase, (4 weeks) so we are still ok! Find your sign below and take a peek into what might transpire.

Fire Signs!

Leo, Aries, Sagittarius

Career: This month disagreements with toxic individuals might come to a head. Don't let your anger get the best of you. This is a good time to practice emotional intelligence and show that you can make your point with grace and integrity.

Love: Not a very ideal month of love for you my fiery sign. The challenges brought forth by Mercury Retrograde are showing up in your love life. Take some time to reflect before you give your delivery. Focus on your environment at home to ensure it is your happy place of refuge.

General: Lastly, embrace endings and see the brighter side to things this month. Cycles that are ending await you, and when those feelings pass you will see the new experiences that await you. Try not to remain sad/depressed, it's normal to have a few bad days but don't let those bad days turn into weeks.

Earth Signs

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Career: This month you will be taking a second look at some tasks with a new perspective. A fresh start with these tasks awaits but be careful where you step. Even in times of happiness one must be centered and at peace. Embarrassment and gloating could change those good vibes to bad real quick.

Love: A revisit from your past may return. Be assertive with your boundaries and sharp with your observations. The ball is in your court, so make smart plays.

General: Take a chance with some of the opportunities that will be presented to you. These challenges may seem daunting but if you weigh out your pro's and con's the path will be clear. You are no stranger to hard work, with your mind made up you can overcome all obstacles.

Water Signs:

Scorpio, Cancer, Pieces

Career: If you would like to seek other opportunities but fear the financial burdens, you are exchanging your happiness for mediocracy. Reflect over your needs and strive to use your creativity in a rewarding way. You are here to live a happy and fulfilling life, not "just getting by". Take a chance and choose yourself.

Love: This Mercury Retrograde is bring everyone's ex back! Sorry but you didn't dodge this one. A past connection returns this month, but with very little growth. You will soon realize this is a door you want to keep closed so protect yourself. Utilize boundaries to avoid rehashing out old drama and don't fall for the same song and dance. It's time to show you have grown since they saw you last.

General: Some things should remain dormant as they have run their course. To go back is return to a part of you that no longer exist in your mind, it only exists in those who don't know your evolution. Rise above and keep moving, leave your past in the past.

Air Signs

Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Career: Seeking to being alone at this time and finding answers for yourself will be good this moon phase. Use this time to recover and readjust in order to soar without limitations in no time.

Love: Being safe and comfortable will test your relationship when you least expect it. Listen to the little voice in the back of your head, even when everything seems to be going GOOD. It's easy to get a fast one pulled on you when your not paying attention. So use all 3 eyes this moon phase.

General: Let the good times roll! This moon phase is a good time to celebrate with others and cheers to all that has been accomplished so far. Don't let the mood swings of others dampen your party, show them what hard work and dedication can bring!


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