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Preparing For Halloween Workings

With Halloween less than one week away I take this time to prepare and gather. It’s important to have a clean space physically and energetically so I spend the first half of the week going ham. I tidy up and get rid of any piles. Piles of laundry, shoes, clothes, boxes, dishes, piles of any kind get dealt with first. You see piles can hold stagnate energy. If you were in a bad mood wearing these PJ’s and they are still in your room in the hamper that yucky energy is still hanging around. Wash it! Once everything is tidy and put away that’s when I smudge or use bells to cleanse the energy. Sometimes I will put on singing bowls sounds on all the tv’s and leave them on for a good 20 minutes. The sound will do its thang while I’m in another room doing another thang. After 2-3 days of cleaning, I start to go insane, so I take a break and go hunting for things I need in my workings.

Hopefully you have a plan of what you will be doing by now so shopping/gathering should be a breeze. I hit up my favorite park, my local divination shops, and Home Goods. Home Goods has good offering bowls and things of that nature to perform the work on. You can find a few ingredients but really, I like to utilize this store for bowls and such. This should take a day or so but don’t do overboard. You need a few days to rest, just like an athlete before a big game. Rest and meditation should be done before the workings to ensure the results will come out in your favor.

I encourage you to take a leap of faith and do a little work to make your manifestation come about faster. Sometimes cleansing your home alone will bring in abundance. A little tip, add some Florida Water to your bucket when you’re mopping. Happy casting!


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