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Waning, Waxing, Dark

One of the challenges I had in the beginning of my journey was figuring out which phase of the moon to use and for what purpose. I got my hands on this amazing book called Moon Spells by Diane Ahlquist and she really breaks it down to it’s simplest form.

Aside from the new moon and the full moon you also have phases in between those major phases and play significant role in the craft. Those phases are waxing, waning and when the moon goes dark.

• waxing - The waxing moon comes after the new moon phase and it shows the moon growing in size. This signifies that it is gathering momentum and strength so its a good time to focus on increasing things and healing. Think of your family growing, think of your business flourishing, think of your bank account growing. When healing you gain strength you grow stronger so this moon phases is promotes healing.

• waning - The waning moon comes after the full moon and its decreasing in size. This is a good time for releasing things, letting go and wrapping it up. Its a good time to stop smoking (bad habit coming to an end), dealing with serious issues that you may be been avoiding and finalize once an for all. Excellent time for banishing as you are getting rid of.

• Dark - there are a few days out of the month when the moon is not visible in the sky. This is considered the dark moon and it’s a good time for solitude, a good time to go inwards. Think of The Hermit in the Tarot deck.

We begin a new cycle when we begin with a new moon, we then move into waxing, then comes the full moon, then waning, and lastly the moon goes dark.

I hope this helps you manifest, heal, banish, ward whatever you are doing!


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