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Watch me yell at myself

Well.... Sunday SUCKED! Who watched my stories, even the ones I deleted later because half the video was missing!? These planets are roasting me, I'm running out of energy! Everyone has moments where they are tested, it's how we handle it that will propel us forward or set us back. I like sharing stuff like that because even the most organized Aquarius can't run from these retrogrades. The lesson for me is chill the f out you're doing to much! When you're doing to much you get leaks, and because you are so distracted with 200 million other things, you can't take care of those little leaks. Well those leaks will eventually burst. I was even thinking about starting a YouTube channel to do more fun readings for entertainment. Like where the hell am I going to find the time to sit down and film, then edit, then promote it. I barely find time to comb my frizzy ass hair and I want to add YouTuber to the list..... YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING TAMMY! The same goes for you if you are trying to juggle everything under the sun, do you really need to deplete your energy that much? Are we working harder instead of smarter? A jack of all traits is a master of nothing, OUCH! I know, that was harsh but it's true! Slow down, enjoy the quiet moments, the family moments, the nature moments, the silly moments. Because if we don't, then why are we doing all this?! When we signed up for this life, we signed up for fun too. Not just suffering and lessons but sprinkle some Hawaii trips maybe a little Mercades-Benz here and there LMAOOOO! I'm just saying... we're supposed to enjoy this shit.

Ok, so I hope you got a little giggle at my expense with that very raw but funny moment yesterday. Although as it was happening it was not funny that Instagram deleted half my inventory for no reason, but it was funny later on. Also, please take note that Mercury is out of retrograde on October 2 at 2:07 am PST. If you have been feeling it (I know you have), relief is near. Alright people, let's do the Mondays.

P.S. If you're wondering who the hell is Tammy.... thats me.

P.P.S. Dude... it's almost October WTF!

P.P.S.S. K-bye


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