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Welcome to November

How is it possible that we have reached November this quickly. Get ready because we have one more lunar eclipse, daylight savings time and Thanksgiving to finish the month. Mars is in retrograde until January and it may have us feeling sluggish and unmotivated. But it’s OK, we’re going to take it week by week. I'm also going to have a couple of sales as well as a nice giveaway in a few days! November is all about gratitude. It's about looking around and realizing you have everything and what is to come is already yours and waiting. Yes we can always make more money, and get more things done but not everything is about is gathering accomplishments. The fall is a time for reflecting. It is a time to take a little trip down memory lane and congratulate yourself for all the work you did this spring and summer.

So let's practice gratitude this month, gratitude and self-control in the area of eating anything with pumpkin flavors. And if you can, give a little back. Some the most memorable moments in my life have been times when I was able to help others. Talk about a natural high SHEESH!!


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