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Work with Venus on Friday!

So today is Friday and it's a great day for princess treatment! Let's break down the energy that comes with Fridays and how to make the most of it.

Friday Correspondences

Have you ever wondered why Fridays is everyone’s favorite day? Have you ever asked yourself why Friday is always associated with good times, looking great, and LOVE! Well, Friday is ruled by the planet Venus and Venus represents beauty, luxuries, charm, harmony, arts, love, comfort, creativities and pleasures. This day is sacred to Eros, Venus, Aphrodite and the Norse goddess that gave the day its name, Freya. So to fully encompass the energy of Friday, one must have a fabulous day full of "whatever the EFF I want" energy because astrology said so.

What are Fridays meant for?

Begin the day with pampering yourself, look your best for yourself. It is also heavly encouraged to have gatherings with your friends, you wont be dissapointed. If you would rather have a chill day at home go for it. Look like a goddess all day and smell divine too! Find some time to write a few goddess affirmations that are focused around your glow-up. Some other witchy suggestions include carrying a rose quartz with you to have suitors at your feet. If you want to focus more on yourself then the evening awaits you with a goddess bath. What is a goddess bath you ask? It's a time to submerge yourself in the Venus energy with oils, pink Himalayan salt, pink rose petals with the power of the moon and water combined. It’s a time to recharge your energy so you can once again handle the upcoming week with ease, grace, beauty, and charm.


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